Mask Bans Don't Protect Anyone. They Hurt Everyone.

Stop them now.

Mask Bans Don't Protect Anyone. They Hurt Everyone.
Photo by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on Unsplash

Yet another city is proposing to ban masks. They’re doing it at the worst possible time, as we face mounting threats that range from airborne diseases to pollution, wildfires, and industrial accidents.

It’s irresponsible and unethical.

In the wake of yet another shooting, Louisville mayor Craig Greenberg has announced plans to bring back an obsolete mask ban in a superficial, misguided effort to curb gun violence. Greenberg claims it will keep residents safe, but this ban will only put them in greater danger. Written decades ago, the ordinance does nothing to address a new range of threats that ordinary citizens face in this century. Those threats include industrial accidents like the one that recently happened in Atlanta, putting hundreds of thousands at risk of lethal gases. Winds are now spreading that massive chemical cloud all over the metro region, prompting shelter-in-place warnings throughout the city and surrounding suburbs.

This time, it’s a massive plume of chlorine gas. For perspective, chlorine gas was a weapon used in WWI. So it’s not an exaggeration to say that residents of the Atlanta area, where I grew up, are now essentially under a chemical attack, thanks to corporate deregulation and mismanagement.

The Atlanta disaster marks the fifth time in a single month that an industrial accident has put an entire city at risk. Even when there’s not an emergency, air pollution now directly kills 8.1 million people a year, including 2,000 children every single day. New studies have also found that wildfire smoke contains carbon monoxide, benzene, cyanide, and other chemicals that cause direct heart and lung damage, leading to chronic health problems for survivors. As the last few years have shown, everyone everywhere now faces that threat, not just one coast.

There has never been a better time to wear a mask, and there has never been a worse time to revive obsolete, outdated laws that only pretend to provide safety while making everyone more vulnerable.

Our supposed political allies have remained silent on these mask bans, and they continue to express a disturbing level of anti-mask rhetoric. For example, NIAID director Jeanne Marrazzo recently complained about being accused of a “microaggression” during a meeting:

We recently had a long Covid [research] meeting where we had about 200 people, in person. And we can’t mandate mask-wearing, because it’s federal property. But there was a fair amount of disturbance that we couldn’t, and people weren’t wearing masks, and one person accused us of committing a microaggression by not wearing masks. 

And I take that very seriously. But I thought to myself, it’s more that people just want to live a normal life. We really don’t want to go back. It was so painful. We’re still all traumatized. Let’s be honest about that. None of us are over that.

So there’s not a lot of appetite for raising an alarm, especially if it could be perceived subsequently as a false alarm.

This view sounds out of touch, to say the least. There’s no false alarm when it comes to these threats, only false sentiment.

As Jeanne Marrazzo complains about being “traumatized” by wearing a mask, ordinary people around the world are traumatized daily by threats to their health, including anti-maskers who have already started abusing mask bans to intimidate, threaten, and actively harm us. We’ve already seen reports of people being assaulted and denied service because of their masks. At a hospital in D.C., an ER nurse even threatened to call security on an immunocompromised woman because she declined to remove her mask during treatment.

These mask bans are emboldening anti-mask aggression everywhere, not just in the cities and counties where they pass.

Science has shown that it only takes 5 seconds to infect someone with an airborne disease. Any law that allows a police officer or private citizen to demand someone take off their mask threatens their lives. Meanwhile, these bans will do nothing to stop crime. Studies have shown that sunglasses do a better job of concealing your identity than a medical respirator, and that these masks don’t interfere with facial recognition software.

These laws accomplish nothing, except to make life unbearable for people trying to protect their health. Earlier this year, a survey with more than a thousand respondents found that nearly half of people who wear masks are facing routine harassment, discrimination, and persecution.

The reasons for everyone to wear a good mask are piling up by the day. Covid continues to spread around the world, with multiple waves a year. An avalanche of studies have shown, without a doubt, that mild Covid infections pose a serious risk to everyone’s long-term health, not just the vulnerable.

Meanwhile, suspected cases of H5N1 bird flu are multiplying, especially in Missouri, while public health agencies drag their feet. Like Covid, flu does long-term damage to multiple organ systems, including the brain. Despite this knowledge, public health agencies have refused to expand testing.

Recent studies and reports have found a range of diseases returning 10-30 times worse than prepandemic norms, likely due to a mass disabling of our immune systems caused by Covid itself. A number of viruses threaten another pandemic, which climate scientists have predicted will occur more frequently as animals compete with each other and humans for dwindling habitable space.

A recent outbreak of Marburg virus has begun spreading outside of Africa, with suspected cases in Belgium and Germany, where police stormed a train station and closed off two tracks, evacuating hundreds of passengers. To quell mass panic, mainstream news has assured the public that Marburg isn’t airborne. However, Marburg can spread through respiratory droplets, including coughing and sneezing. That means an N95 mask or better offers protection.

As a 2020 article in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases states, “Although frank airborne transmission has not been demonstrated in human outbreaks, droplet spread to mucous membranes presumably occurs” and “infection by direct application of aerosol to the airways has been demonstrated in animal models."

Another article in Viruses on this family of pathogens, including Marburg and Ebola, found that up to 17 percent of transmission did not happen through direct physical contact, suggesting “human to human respiratory tract infection through droplets and aerosols.” The authors also say that because we have such limited data on Marburg outbreaks, we can’t make assumptions about transmission.

According to a report by Boston University, “transmission via droplets is suspected” for both Ebola and Marburg. Given that agencies like the CDC and the WHO have spent years denying or downplaying the airborne nature of other viruses, it’s reasonable and proactive to consider Marburg as potentially respiratory, and therefore to count it as one more reason to wear a good-fitting respirator. Given what we’ve learned about the aerosolized spread of disease, there is absolutely no reason to take chances.

It might feel dystopian to say this, but it’s true: We live in a world where it’s becoming dangerous just to breathe. That means wearing a good medical mask but also adopting different masks for different emergencies. Many professionals recommend a half-face or full-face respirator with appropriate cartridges to protect yourself from organic and acid gases. Some of these cartridges also filter out particulates. A thread by Erin Sanders provides a good overview.

Five years ago, I never thought I’d be shopping for gas masks for my family to protect us from industrial accidents and wildfires.

And yet, here we are.

A CDC study found that the most common gases you’ll face during an industrial accident include carbon monoxide, ammonia, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric acid. We recently bought 3M’s 6502QL half-face respirator with a set of P100 60926 cartridges. Each cartridge should last about 48 hours, long enough to get to safety. The masks themselves come in three different sizes. The small provides a decent fit for our six-year-old. Many companies like Draeger also make respirators. I wouldn’t get them from just any prepper site. This is yet another expense the cautious will take on, assuming they can even afford it. Shouldn't we at least get a tax credit or something?

We can only speculate about the motivations behind the growing anti-mask stance adopted by our institutions, who associate masks with anxiety, trauma, mental illness, crime, and hate. A government that sends out expired Covid tests while spending hundreds of billions on weapons doesn’t want to feel any pressure to pay for us to protect ourselves from airborne threats. Even if it’s not conscious malice, they clearly benefit from the public viewing masks as a liability and not an essential survival tool to protect themselves.

It’s hard to describe how demoralizing and infuriating it is to watch a majority of our own political party adopt ignorance as their platform.

It’s an absolute betrayal.

Campaign strategists and political advisors are making a deep mistake if they think these poor decisions won’t have political consequences. For every public health advocate who wills themselves up to vote, two or three will find little reason to support a party that has abandoned them. Imagine talking about political freedom and bodily autonomy as liberal governors and mayors join conservatives to engage in egregious violations of personal choice. Imagine them staying silent as anti-maskers gleefully celebrate the death and injury of the vulnerable and immunocompromised as some kind of divine justice for the inconvenience of mask mandates that were never strictly enforced, even on public transportation.

We cannot stand back and watch these mask bans spread across the country as leaders look for convenient excuses and scapegoats.

Aren’t we better than that?

I used to think so.

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